Not an area that we spend much time in, but we will continue to update this with interesting reads from this sector that we come across:

2022 GameFi Total Market Report

Coinmarketcap breaks down the GameFi sector, focusing on 2022 insights and analytics on the emerging sector

Metaverse 101 - Twitter Thread

Very credible Crypto Twitter profile breaking down the concept of the metaverse and the role that it can have on our future

The Future of On-Chain Gaming - Twitter Thread

Twitter thread breaking down the potential of what on-chain gaming could look like

Introduction to GuildFi

Strong overview of the GuildFi ecosystem

TreasureDAO - Crypto Gaming Ecosystem

Overview of the TreasureDAO gaming ecosystem

Web3 Gaming: True Innovation or Just a Trend?

Opinion piece and interview covering the potential of Web3 gaming

DappRadar - Q3 ‘22 Blockchain Gaming Report