Whiteboard Crypto - What is Web 3.0?

Evolution of the Internet:

Web 1.0 - Read Only

The first iteration of the web represents the web 1.0 “read-only web”. The early web allowed us to search for information and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or content generation.

Web 2.0 - Read + Write

With published content shifting to more and more user-generated content, the internet became Web2 and offered various information, user-to-user interaction, content creation, and blogging. Social Media emerged as a regular part of our every day lives and integrations such as “sign in with Google” became second nature.

Web 3.0 - Read + Write + Own

Example of a “Web3 Browser”

Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, powered by blockchain technology and decentralization. Web3 applications reward network actions and offer true ownership of user data, while cutting out middlemen to create a superior user experience.


PWC - What Could Web3 Mean for Your Business?

Internet Timeline Table

Comparing Historical Internet Users to current ETH network users:

ETH vs. Internet Users.jpeg

Internet Scalability.png